In the reading of Transformative Literacy, Robin Wisniewski talks about how her journey was through changing her way of thinking from what it originally was. She credits this to many different people throughout her story, all teachers of her during her college career. I can relate to what Wisniewski is taking about because especially in college it is difficult to succeed when you still have your high school mentality. It makes me think about my own teachers and how they helped me to change my way of thinking. When coming to Spelman you learn relatively quickly that they don't accept what originally worked for you in high school. For example if your work earned you an A+ in high school, at college it is more likely to get you a C.
All of this was interesting for me to find out by reading this story and her journey of what happened but I believe that a lot of students can relate to this. Also Ms. Wisniewski speaks of Peer Counseling and I believe that thats a great idea. If your peers help you to see your mistakes then its normally better to hear it from a peer than from your teacher because then it seems like a criticism. Also she describes two other women that have transformed their literacy greatly. She says that Black women are central to the exploration of transformative literacy and I couldn't agree more.
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